
analyze customer sentiment in CRM

Unlock a treasure trove of insights with our AI-driven CRM Analysis Tool, accessible via a simple API. By analyzing customer interactions and feedback, our tool unveils genuine sentiments, empowering you to tailor your offerings and build stronger relationships. Seamlessly integrate the tool into your existing systems, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive your business growth.
Use Language Skill


Learn the implied sentiment of a given text
With Text Input

CRM Entries

Unlock insights from CRM data with our AI-powered sentiment analysis API. Understand customer sentiments, tailor interactions, and foster loyalty effortlessly.
import oneai oneai.api_key = "CLICK_TO_GET_YOUR_API_KEY" pipeline = oneai.Pipeline(steps=[ oneai.skills.Sentiment(), ]) output ="your_input_here") print(output)
import OneAI from 'oneai'; const oneai = new OneAI({apiKey: 'CLICK_TO_GET_YOUR_API_KEY'}); const pipeline = new oneai.Pipeline( oneai.skills.(), ); const output = await'your_input_here'); console.log(output);
curl -X POST \ '' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'api-key: CLICK_TO_GET_YOUR_API_KEY' \ -d '{ "input": "your_input_here", "steps": [{ "skill": "Sentiment" }] }'
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One AI Language Studio
Test your Language AI pipeline with your CRM Entries in the Studio
Pipeline API Call
Use the Sentiment pipeline in your code
One AI Language Studio
Enjoy AI-powered Sentiment for CRM Entries in your apps & workflows

Connect it to the Tools you use

GCP logoAzure logoAWS logoGmail logoSalesforce logoHubspot logoSlack logoZoom logoZapier logo
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